Monday 17 December 2012

Artist Love!

Today was a great day. I slept in a wee bit, had a nice large coffee slowly and did everything that I needed to do in the morning. Then K and I hit the road and went Christmas shopping. He found everything that he needed, but I still have to find my mom a good gift since she's really a great mom. I found K's mom a jewelry holder that was really handy, and K thinks she wants Brie for Christmas. Really? I know nothing about Bree or if it is something my mother in law wants as a gift. If it's a bomb, I'll pass the blame to K. 

For today's post I was looking on Society 6 at some really great artwork. Unfortunately, it's so late and I REALLY want to go to bed and post this asap. All photos credit the artist, so click on the photo to find out about the really great artists that created each wonderful print. Night!


  1. I love the 2nd picture, kind of reminds me of Janis Joplin a bit! Really lovely!

  2. I love that 3rd one!!! Tempted to actually buy it...!

  3. wow, they are surely some talented artists! love the cat one

    The Young Bridget Jones
