Saturday, 2 January 2016


Hello and Happy New Year! I am so ready to get started with 2016. It's been a rough 2015 with some personal hard times. That is life and the only way to get through these difficult times is to be mindful of how I would like to deal with life's unexpected surprises. I keep telling myself to be strong and keep my thoughts positive, because to be negative takes too much energy that I don't want to give in to that.

Who knows why things don't work out exactly as you expected them to. All I know is that everyday I have is a gift and to make the best out of what I am given.

Each year I like to challenge my creativity and it doesn't always work out. I've had some ideas for my shop that didn't quite work, or that were too difficult to complete. This year I have a path for my shop, a plan, and I hope that my shop followers love what I am bringing them. Of course I want to make beautiful pieces that I adore, but I want you to love them too.

This year I will expand my Clay and Crystals section to my shop and I plan on adding 10 new Wall Weavings by the end of January. Below are some of the items in my shop currently, and soon I will be listing more, just in time for Valentines Day. What is your favorite stone? Do you have a favorite color combination you would like to see as a weaving?

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