Monday, 7 January 2013

Goals for a New Year

Every year I tell myself not to make any New Years Resolutions. They seem like a good idea at first,but when they fall through you kind of feel disappointed with yourself. I have decided that I will make goals for this year that are simple and attainable. Plus I figure if they are written down and posted here on my blog then there is no excuse to not follow through.

Image By: Jenny Liz Rome

1. Make 2 new friends that I can hang with by the end of 2013. Simple yet not always so easy to do.
2.Create 2 new large abstract paintings for home. I love to paint but have not done this in a few years.
3.Reach 250 sales minimum in my etsy shop LOVE n LAVISH. I'm at 101 right now (yeah).
4.Babies? Have a date in mind and have that convo with K sometime soon. Are we ready yet?
5.Get running! I want be able to run a 5k by the end of 2013 or have a marathon planned for 2014. Keep fit!
6.Take a Jewelry making class and learn how to work with metals like copper, gold and silver. I want to handcraft from scratch my own designs! I feel it in my bones.
7.Eat cleaner. Cut out the chocolate to some degree and make most of my meals.
8.Travel somewhere new. I love to go somewhere once a year. I love to travel and if you do too you should love this show Departures which follows two friends traveling the world. It's funny  and informative and the dudes are kinda hot.

So that's it! Well.... that's all I can think of for now. If you live somewhere really interesting yet affordable to travel to from Canada let me know. We are looking for a fun place to travel this summer,but we don't drive so things have to be accessible by foot or bus. K and I love the outdoors and nature,but also love shopping and discovering a city. Somewhere in the US maybe?


  1. 8 - Go to Slovakia!!! It is not expensive and it is one of the top five places to go by the Lonely Planet travel guides! I am planning a great post about my summer camping around there during last summer. :)
    Have a nice 2013

  2. I haven't made resolutions in years. I never stuck to them anyway...but I hope you are more faithful with yours!

  3. Ooo so many good ones! I do hope that you take a jewelry making class! Copper is my favorite metal and would love to see more jewelry made of it.

  4. I have some of the same goals, and I've noticed that other people have resolutions in the same areas of their lives. It's interesting to see how alike we all are even though we all are so different! Good luck, and I look forward to seeing how you do! -Jessica L
